Bled Transfers – Taxi, Transfer, Luxury Transfers, Tours

General terms and conditions


Article 1


  • company headquarters: Zabreznica 12C, Zabreznica, 4274 Žirovnica,
  • registration number: 6848184000,
  • tax number: SI78363055,
  • taxi license number: 014489 / SŠD24-4-4948/2020
  • license for organizing activities and selling tourist packages,
  • regional license for tourist guides of Slovenia,
  • company webpage:
  • company e-mail address:
  • company and booking phone number: +386 (0) 40 203 405

Company service (hereinafter: service): company of passengers with a driver qualified to drive in domestic and international traffic.

Passenger or client (hereinafter: client): is a person who uses company’s service for payment by ordering the service in person, by e-mail or by telephone or a person who fills up and completes webpage digital booking form (hereinafter: booking form). Order confirmation is considered a legally binding contract between company and client in accordance with company’s General Terms and Conditions.

Client representative: if service is being used by several clients or another company, the Client representative is the person whose name is put on top of the client list in the order or booking form (hereinafter: Representative). A Representative has to be at least 18 years old. Representative is responsible for communication with company, for notifying about possible changes to the order of service, for special demands during service, for paying the service in full, for communication with other clients and for informing other clients about General Terms and Conditions.

Subcontractor: is a service provider that performs the service as company’s contract partner in the event that company cannot provide the service for objective reasons. Company ensures that subcontractor’s service is of the same quality and fulfils the same conditions as the company.

Order confirmation: the order is considered confirmed when company sends the client order confirmation upon receiving the agreed prepayment or the payment according to applicable price list in full. Order confirmation can be made in the following ways:

  • if ordering the service in person, when company issues the client a written confirmation,
  • if making a telephone order, when company confirms price,
  • if making an e-mail order, then company sends the client an e-mail confirmation on the agreed client e-mail address.

The service begins when all clients occupy their leased vehicle seats and the driver starts driving.

For client, the service ends when client leaves the vehicle at exit point. For company, the service ends when all clients leave the vehicle at the last exit point.

Initial provisions

Article 2

The service order and booking form must include at least the following information:

  • personal data of client(s) or representative (name, surname, address or permanent residence),
  • passenger number, including the client or representative,
  • number of pieces of luggage,
  • the required date and time of service,
  • the location (address) of entry and exit points
  • client contact information (telephone number and/or valid e-mail address)

Order confirmation must include at least information for the previous paragraph, with the addition of:

  • confirmation of the requested date and time of service or possible changes to the requested date and time of service,
  • contact telephone number of the driver performing the service,
  • estimated time of service and
  • full price of the ordered service.

The company guarantees to issue an invoice to the client immediately after the service has been completed. In case issuing an invoice isn’t possible due to objective circumstances, the client shall receive an invoice no later than 3 working days after the service has been completed.

Types of services

Article 3

Economy transportation is an affordable transportation in which the client leases a seat in the vehicle. The company can lease seats to multiple passengers, can make stops on several entry and exit points (such as hotels, motels, boarding houses or other similar locations). The entry and exit points aren’t fixed and will depend on number of confirmed client and their entry and exit points. The company may designate a common entry and exit point for all confirmed clients, in which case any client may demand a transport to the desired exit point at an additional cost.

Private and VIP transportation is a transportation, customized for the needs of the client. The service starts at the desired entry point and ends at the desired exit point without any stops and with no extra passengers (unless otherwise demanded by the client). When making an order for private transportation, the client may also choose available vehicle. If the entry point is at the airport, the driver will wait for the client in the airport building, welcoming him with the designated or agreed welcome sign. We also track the flight incase of early or delay.

Extra services are services not included in the previous services. When making an order, the client may also choose the following services at fixed prices in company’s published price list:

  • renting a child car seat,
  • renting a car bike rack,
  • purchase of food, drink, cosmetic sets or other items, offered by the company in the price list.

Service realization

Article 4

The company will endeavour to perform the service within the timeframe, specified the order confirmation. However, the specified timeframe is an approximate estimate and the actual timeframe may vary, depending on external circumstances (traffic density, unforeseen congestions, traffic accidents, roadworks, etc.). The company cannot be held responsible for any delays due to incorrect or incomplete entry point set in order or booking form. If designated entry or exit point is within restricted or prohibited traffic areas, the company will perform the service from or to the closest possible location still accessible by the vehicle. In such cases, the company cannot be held responsible for the delay.

The driver shall wait for the client at the desired entry point. If the driver isn’t present or the client has trouble finding the driver, the client shall immediately contact the company via telephone number +386 (0)40 203 405. The company shall arrange for the driver to find the client as soon as possible.

If the client isn’t present at the entry point or the client doesn’t arrive at the entry point within 30 minutes of the requested time from Order confirmation and the client doesn’t inform the company for the reason for the delay (on the telephone number or e-mail from Article 1 of General Terms and Condition), the service is considered completed and the company isn’t obliged to refund the prepayment or payment received by the client.

Time limit from previous paragraph shall be extended to 60 minutes if the client’s entry point is the airport and the beginning of the service depends on the aircraft landing time. In case of flight delay of which the client is notified before the flight begins, the client must immediately inform the company about delay and agree on different service timeframe, otherwise the company isn’t obliged to refund the prepayment or payment received by the client.

For economic transportation, the client’s luggage is limited to one piece (standard airport luggage dimension, 56x45x25cm, maximum weight 25kg/49 linear inches, maximum weight 55 pounds/lbs) per person, with each client being allowed to carry one smaller piece (backpack, bag, etc). Transportation of luggage is included in the price.

Extra pieces of luggage or luggage of non-standard dimensions (such as skis, ski boards, animal containers or cages, etc.) aren’t included in price of the service. For the transportation of such extra or non-standard pieces of luggage, the client is obliged to inform the company in advance about the dimension of extra or non-standard luggage. If the company considers the transportation of such luggage possible, it informs the client about the additional payment required. If the company considers the transportation of such luggage impossible, it must immediately inform the client.

Luggage must not contain any dangerous substances, such as chemicals, flammable substances, explosives, pyrotechnics, etc.), must not be quickly perishable, must not have a distinct odour and must not contain substances or items, prohibited by law of the country, in which the service is being done. The company cannot be held responsible for any contents of the luggage or any damage caused during the transportation, unless the damage is caused by intent of severe negligence of the company or the driver.

The company cannot be held responsible for any forgotten luggage. However, in the event of luggage being forgotten in the vehicle, the company shall make every effort to deliver the luggage to the client. If any additional costs are incurred for the delivery, the client must reimburse the company (such as postal costs, deliver costs, etc.) within 3 working days of the delivery.

The company shall make no stops for short-haul transportations (up to 50km/31 miles), one 15 minute stop for medium-hauls (51-200km/31-124 miles) and one 30 minute stop for long-haul transportations (over 200km/124 miles), with the addition of one extra 30 minute stop for every full 200km/124 miles made (2 stops for over 400km/248 miles, 3 for over 600km/372 miles etc.). For any additional stops, the client (or all clients consensually) must agree with the driver. The client cannot be held responsible for any delays caused by these extra stops.

Restrictions and prohibitions during service

Article 5

Smoking is prohibited in the vehicle.

It is prohibited to bring open food and beverage containers in the vehicle, unless they are provided by the company. Consumption of food and beverages is also prohibited, unless explicitly allowed by the driver.

Transportation of pets is prohibited, except in pet containers or cages and under conditions from Article 4 of these General Terms and Conditions.

During the service clients must conduct in a way that doesn’t endanger other clients or the driver, client’s actions must not cause harm to either other clients, the driver or company’s property and must not disturb public order. In case of threatening or damaging behaviour of the client, the driver will temporarily suspend the service, until safety of passengers, the driver and company’s property are ensured. The company cannot be held responsible for any delays resulting from such conduct.

Service payment

Article 6

The service must be paid in full prior to realization. The company won’t confirm the order, unless it receives proof that the service has been paid for. If the service is paid in full more than 3 working days prior to realization, the company will comply within the law, governing the protection of customers.

Payment can be done by a debit or credit card, following the booking form on company’s website or by prepayment of invoice.

Company’s contract clients, who order company’s services for their beneficiaries, may order the service by e-mail to the company’s e-mail address. The e-mail must include order form or scan of the contract, and full passenger list. Payment for company’s contract clients shall be done within the time limit and to the transaction account of the company, specified in the contract or issued invoice.

For any possible discounts, the client must agree with the company prior to order confirmation. Promotional prices and additional offers, set by the company, will be specified in the price list and published on company’s website.

Cancellation of confirmed order and denial of service

Article 7

The client has the right to cancel the confirmed order at any time. If the service is cancelled within 14 days of order confirmation, the company shall give the client reimbursement in full. If more than 14 days have passed since the order confirmation, the customer is not entitled to a refund.

If the service cannot be provided due to force majeure, unavoidable or extraordinary circumstances (such as natural disasters, severe road accidents, roadblocks with no detours, etc.), the client is entitled to a full refund, but cannot claim reimbursement for any damage, caused by denial of service for reasons, set in this paragraph.

If the service cannot be provided due to objective reasons on company’s side (such as vehicle or engine failure), the company shall provide comparable service no later than 4 hours from confirmed start of service (if the service hasn’t started yet) or no later than 4 hours from occurrence of circumstances from this paragraph that make service impossible (if the service has already started). If the company cannot provide a subcontractor within the time limit from this paragraph, the client is entitled to a full refund, unless the client and the company agree otherwise. A different arrangement can include credit note (or voucher) for performing the service at another time. In case of service denial due to reason from this paragraph, the client cannot claim reimbursement for any damage, caused by denial of service for reasons, set in this paragraph.

The company may cancel the service from other (subjective) reasons, such as insufficient number of passengers during Economic transport. In such cases the company shall notify the clients at least 24 hours before confirmed start of service and shall fully refund all the clients.

If endangering and damaging conduct of client from Article 5 cannot be prevented and safety of passengers, the driver and company’s property cannot be ensured, the company terminates the service. In such cases, the clients are not entitled to a refund.

Security and insurance

Article 8

All vehicles, used by the company, are licensed for passenger transport, are technically flawless, meet all conditions according to law governing motor vehicles in Republic of Slovenia and have car insurance of Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d. All passengers are insured during service at no extra cost (insurance is included in the price).

The company’s driver performing the service shall treat company’s vehicles with care. He shall treat clients kindly and respectfully.

Clients are responsible for any and all damages, caused with intent or by severe negligence, done to other clients, the driver or the company’s property.

Personal data protection

Article 9

Company shall process client’s personal data according to Article 6, paragraph 1, points (a) and (b) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: GDPR).

Since order confirmation means the client has entered a legally binding contractual relationship with the accordance of company’s General Terms and Conditions and that the client agrees to these terms and conditions, the order confirmation also means that the client agrees to personal data processing by the company, in accordance with GDPR.

For the purpose of service, the company may collect following personal data from Article 2 of company’s General Terms and Conditions from client:

  • name and surname of the client,
  • permanent residence address of the client, and
  • telephone number and/or e-mail address of the client.

The company agrees that collected personal data won’t be used for other purposes and won’t be transmitted to physical or legal entities which are not subject to a contractual relationship between company and client, except under conditions provided by law or in case the service is being provided by subcontractor and the collected personal data is needed to perform the service.

Clients may request information about their personal data processing in accordance with Article 13 of GDPR and the company must provide them with that information in the manner, within the time limit and to the extent, specified in Article 13 of GDPR.

The company shall protect collected personal data with greatest of care and shall avoid any conduct, that may result in unauthorized disclosure of processed personal data. If the company uses software applications for personal data processing, all necessary technical and organisational measures to prevent any possible misuse will be taken.

The company ensures that all employees process collected personal data only to the extent, necessary for the performance of the service.

The company shall keep collected personal data of their clients for as long as the rights from contractual relationship can be exercised by any party, but no longer than 5 years after order confirmation.

Clients have the following rights in relation to their personal data processing against the company:

  1.  right to rectification (article 16 of GDPR)
    Individual may request rectification of inaccurate personal data or supplementation of missing personal data by sending the company a written or electronic request for rectification or supplementation.
  2. right to erasure and “right to be forgotten” (article 17 of GDPR)
    Individual may request deletion of his or her personal data, in case it wasn’t collected for the purpose from Article 2 of company’s General Terms and Conditions, if the company collected personal data, not specified in Article 9 of company’s General Terms and Conditions, if personal data was kept longer than allowed by Article 9 of company’s General Terms and Conditions or if they were unlawfully collected and processed, unless data processing is needed to establish, use or justify a legal claim.
  3. right to restriction of processing (article 18 of GDPR)
    Individual may request restriction of personal data processing from the company in case the accuracy of processed personal data is in question, if the company processes individual’s personal data unlawfully and individual demands restriction instead of deletion or if company no longer needs individual’s personal data for the purpose, for which they were collected, but the individual needs them to establish, use or justify a legal claim.
  4. Right to data portability (article 20 of GDPR)
    Individual may request that his or her personal data are transmitted to another personal data controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

Upon receiving request, the company is obliged to inform the individual of the taken measures, especially of any corrections, deletions and restrictions of personal data processing.

The company ensures not to use automated decision-making systems, nor will it perform client profiling, unless absolutely necessary for the performance of service.

The company may use Internet cookies or similar visit tracking technology for the purpose of analysing web traffic and enabling the functionality of company website. Cookies and other technologies are used by the company and its business partners, which take care company’s service development and improvement.

Website visitors receive a cookie upon visiting company website. The cookie can be used to identify the visitor without processing his or her personal data in order to tailor the website content to the specific visitor. It can also be used to collect various statistics for the company, which can be used to improve user experience when visiting website. Visitor identification based solely on the cookie is not possible.

Cookies are stored on visitor’s device only for the duration of website visit and are deleted, when user leaves the company’s website. Each visitor can choose, which cookies to enable or disable in his or her browser settings. Should the necessary cookies be disabled, the company cannot guarantee full functionality of the website, especially its interactive features.

The company reserves the right to hire outsourced services for the purpose of displaying advertising material when visiting company’s website. Displaying advertising materials may include (but is not limited to) use of cookies to monitor the effectiveness of marketing efforts. The company has no control over, or access to these cookies. Website visitor can manage these cookies in the browser setting.

Client complaints

Article 10

Should the client be dissatisfied with the service, a complaint can be filed to the company no later than 8 days after the invoice has been completed. The complaint must be filed in a written form, sent to company headquarters or by e-mail to the company e-mail address from Article 1.

The complaint shall include at least the following:

  • client’s personal data (name, surname, permanent residence address).
  • timeframe of completed service (date, time).
  • type of service performed.
  • reason for complaint.
  • specification of persons concerned (who the complaint applies to) and
  • a short description of the complaint.

The company shall carefully examine and deal with all client complains. Clients shall be notified of the complaint resolution in written form no later than 15 days upon receiving the complaint. The complaint resolution will be delivered to client’s permanent residence address or to e-mail, from which the complaint has been send.

Final provision

Article 10

The client and company will endeavour to resolve any disagreements consensually. If consensual agreement is not possible, the dispute will be settled by the court with jurisdiction over territory of the company’s headquarters.

General terms and conditions apply from January 1st, 2024.

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